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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Adventure, Teen
Era: Golden
Cover Price: ?
Cover Date: January 1942
Country: United States
Ricky and his friend Bruce win a trip to Hong Kong by entering an airline's contest. The pair get into trouble when they buy a vase in a store in Hong Kong. That particular vase wasn't supposed to be for sale, and after failing to find the vase in their hotel room, a criminal gang captures Ricky and Bruce during the "Festival of the Dragons" to get them to tell its location.; Ricky forgets that he's volunteered to help the charity carnival and has to break a date with Carol. He doesn't tell Carol the truth then has to pay the consequences when she shows up while he's manning the dunking booth.; A pro football player rips up a stool at a soda fountain in order to sit at a table with Ricky and his girl.