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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 52
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Western-frontier
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1950
Country: United States
Bugs inherits his Uncle Snazzy's collection of feather dusters. He tricks Porky into driving him to the Indian reservation so he can sell the feathers to the Indians. However the Indians are annoyed because of all the peddlers who have been coming to the reservation since the tribe struck oil and they decide to scare Bugs and Porky by pretending to be on the warpath. Later they find Uncle Snazzy and his wife living in a ghost town called "Ghost Town."; Bugs pretends to be the Sagebrush Kid as a publicity stunt to draw people into the town of Ghost Town. The stunt works, but it also attracts the real Sagebrush Kid, who isn't very happy.; Elmer is trying to clean his car, but Bugs keeps getting it dirty.; Bugs' boss blindfolds him so he can't be a "clock-watcher."; Bugs agrees to paint Elmer's portrait for $50.