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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 52
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1948
Country: United States
The Pied Piper rids the town of rats. Instead of the purse of 1,000 pounds of gold, the Mayor gives him one gold coin. Infuriated, the Piper leads the town's children to the top of a mountain where a large egg has appeared. The Piper leads the children into the egg and a land of sunshine and flowers.; Two pigs take eggs home to boil them for the Easter Bunny. The Wolf thinks this would be a good time to have ham and eggs.; A chick goes into the forest to find the Easter Bunny.; The Quangle-Wangle lives in a tree. He wears a very large hat and the animals all want to build homes on the hat.; Humpty Dumpty goes to the Easter Bunny's party, but ends up falling off a wall.; A mouse imagines a candy egg as big as the world.; Tom, the Piper's son chases a bunny, but upsets the Pieman and breaks a basket of eggs.; Peter, Peter, Pumpkin eater meets up with Jack and Jill and the Easter Bunny.; A poem about the moon.; A poem about a rabbit and a nut tree.; A poem about a hen.