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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 52
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1946
Country: United States
Esmeralda, a tiny princess in the forest, sees a handsome man on horseback and wishes she was his size. The mouse prince goes to the witch's house to see if she can help. When he gets there he finds a mouse princess held captive. The mouse prince frees the mouse princess and brings back a flask of a potion that makes Esmeralda human size.; A cruel queen takes her young stepdaughter to the enchanted forest and abandons her there. The girl falls in a ravine, hitting her head. A old dwarf finds her and takes her to his home. The girl has amnesia, so she stays with the dwarf and grows up in the forest. On Melisandra's 18th birthday, the Queen goes to a witch to make sure that the girl is dead, but a spell shows her alive and well. The witch turns the Queen into a huge serpent, which goes into the forest in search of Melisandra. At the same time a young knight goes to the forest and saves the girl from the serpent. When the serpent dies, Melisandra's memory returns and she takes her rightful place as ruler of the kingdom.; In a mountainous kingdom, people do not venture out after dark for fear of a witch. At the same time, the poor receive gifts that they credit to a "good fairy." One day two children chase a goat up the mountain. By the time they rescue the goat it is dark and they are afraid the witch will find them. The witch does find them, but takes them to her castle and feeds them before taking them to the home. No one believes the children when they tell their story. Years later the kingdom is invaded by fierce warriors and the witch saves the people by turning the warriors to stone.; An evil sorcerer shrinks a man, Crumpet, to mouse-size. A prince rescues the little man from a hawk, but the sorcerer puts a curse on the prince's son, causing him to shrink to Crumpet's size. The two tiny folk go to the Sorcerer's castle where they learn the secret of breaking the spell.; A traveling tinkerer tells a lad tall tales.