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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children, Sports
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.15 USD
Cover Date: April 1961
Country: United States
Beaver and Wally try to help their mother with housework, with predictable results.; When Whitey's parents won't let him have a new pet, an owl, he gets Beaver to take it. Beaver tries to keep the bird out of sight, but it gets out of its cage and he has to figure a way to get it back inside.; Teen Iris Wells tries to ingratiate herself with Beaver in order to get Wally to notice her.; A older boy bullies Beaver and his friends as they are playing sandlot football, but Beaver finds a way to turn the tables on him.; A dog disrupts Beaver and his friends' baseball game.; June uses psychology to get Beaver to unload the groceries from the car.