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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Teen
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1960
Country: United States
Blythe's mother sends her to the store but she talks Wally into running to the store as training for the track team. Blythe's mother then asks her to go buy five pounds of sugar and she talks George into running to the store for that.; Blythe thinks her friend Liz is not acting grown-up enough to attract boys.; Wally has a number of misadventures after Blythe asks him to take her to the movies.; Blythe and Liz's drama club gets a strict new coach, who's also handsome.; Blythe ransacks her room to find her roller skates. After doing so her mother makes her put everything away. After she does that she's lost the skates again.; Blythe knits Paul a sweater, but the sleeves are too long.; Blythe can't sleep, so she counts boys jumping over a fence, instead of sheep.