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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 52
Genre: Children
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1947
Country: United States
Lulu and Tubby go to the beach, but have to take Alvin along with them. Alvin manages to get lost at the beach and Lulu and Tubby try to find him.; Lulu is spanked by her mother, who thinks she stole some popovers from the kitchen. Lulu tells the story to Tubby, who immediately says her father is the culprit. Tubby, with a mustache from his Junior G-Man kit, goes to Lulu's house to conduct an investigation.; Lulu borrows her father's pipe, smokes some doll hair, and has hallucinations.; Lulu gets a card from a weight and fortune machine. She likes the fortune but is unhappy with the weight.; Tubby buys some flowers to give to Lulu. Another girl sees Tubby and thinks the flowers are for her.; Tubby stands at a bakery window and imagines eating all the goods on display. He then goes to the window of a soda shop and imagines having six sodas. All the imaginary eating gives him a stomachache.; Alvin sprays himself with some of his mother's perfume, but discovers to his horror that the aroma attracts little girls.; Alvin squirts a girls with his squirt gun, causing her to cry. Ashamed, he squirts himself with the gun, which make the girl laugh.; Tubby practices his violin while reading a wild west magazine.; Lulu listens happily to a violent radio program, but is upset when the villain on the show kicks a dog.