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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 52
Genre: Adventure, Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: September 1950
Country: United States
Porky is chosen to be the President of the tiny Kingdom of Upper Gorgonzola. He is threatened by The Dunderbunk, a group who want to restore the old monarchy of King Schmaltz.; In Chinatown, Porky buys a jar of perfume supposedly used by Chinese Mandarins. He takes a whiff of the perfume and temporarily acquires "second sight," the ability to find anything that's lost or hidden. A mysterious stranger stalks Porky, trying to get the perfume in order to find the lost treasure of Santo Bamba.; Porky and Bugs run into all sorts of problems when they try to dig a swimming pool in Porky's yard.; Porky and Petunia go on a picnic, but must climb a tree to escape a bull.; Porky shows Cicero how to build a ship in a bottle.