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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Western-frontier
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1953
Country: United States
On a rainy night, Dale's café is held up by robbers who get away with $16. The robbers remain in town, staying with a former cellmate, and find there is going to be a charity dance the next week. One of the attractions at the dance is to be Mrs. William Van Dusen, who owns the most valuable collection of diamonds in the world. The two hatch a plot to steal the diamonds, but Dale is also at the dance and disrupts the plan.; Neighbor Lulu Hanks foils an attempt to rob Damon's Jewelry Store, but the robbers get away. Lulu and Dale recognize the fabric the robbers used for their masks, but don't know know where they saw it. While collecting door-to-door for a "white elephant" charity sale, Dale stumbles upon the clue that identifies the robbers.