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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 52
Genre: Fantasy
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1946
Country: United States
A group of angel babies are busy polishing the stars in preparation for Christmas. The littlest one becomes tired and falls asleep on a cloud that slowly drifts to Earth and lands in the middle of a snow-covered forest. The angel baby, who is naked, is cold and frightened and starts to cry. This attracts the animals of the forest who huddle around him to keep him warm. The animals decide to take him to the cabin of a woodchopper and his wife, who live at the edge of the forest. It is Christmas Eve and just as the animals reach the house, Santa and his reindeer arrive. The forest animals scatter, but it turns out that Santa knows who the angel is, because "Everybody in heaven has been looking for you." After climbing down the chimney and giving the woodchopper's family its gifts, Santa takes the little angel back to Heaven as the forest animals watch in wonder.; Tom Felding drives the "Dover Mail" stagecoach from London in a snowstorm on Christmas Eve. Along the way he is flagged down by Santa Claus, whose sled has a broken runner. Tom and six passengers from the stagecoach help Santa fix the sled runner and be on his way.; Returning from his night's work, Santa finds a mouse in his beard while getting ready for bed. He lets the mouse stay for the evening.; While waiting for Santa to make a delivery, one of his reindeer talks through a window to a child in his bed.; Santa mistakenly puts an elf in a jack-in-the-box.