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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Western-frontier
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: May 1960
Country: United States
Sugarfoot pays a visit to old friend Sam Hawkins, but finds things have changed a lot since his last visit. Hawkins' nephew has taken charge and is in the middle of a range war with Hawkins' former friend Bill Hartford. Sugarfoot knows Sam's nephew's story doesn't add up, and sets up a way to prove it.; Sugarfoot interrupts a train robbery and finds that the engineer is Luke Hodges, an old friend. Hodges is being forced to retire and his daughter, aided by Sugarfoot, applies for the job. She is given a chance with a couple of trial runs at the controls. On the first trip, the train is stopped overnight because of bad weather and the train robbers attack again. This time there are extra guards on the train and with Sugarfoot's help they capture the gang. Hodges' daughter gets the job as engineer.; Tom Brewster is in court representing two miners who each have a claim on a mine.