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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Non-fiction, Western-frontier
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1958
Country: United States
Hardie investigates a series of stagecoach robberies in a remote area called "Alder Gulch." The sheriff in Virginia City doesn't seem very interested in solving the thefts, which makes Hardie suspicious.; A Basque immigrant sheepherder is accused of kidnapping a little girl and stealing a valuable diamond brooch and Hardie has to prevent a lynching.; Brief summaries of three famous stage-coach robbers.; A rival of Wells Fargo builds an office in San Francisco in the 1850s, using Chinese labor. However the Chinese believe the location is "evil" and after the building is finished, Chinese merchants refuse to enter the building and give Wells Fargo, located across the street, their business.