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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 52
Genre: Fantasy, Humor
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: June 1947
Country: United States
Fifi asks Tillie and Bubbles to run her beauty shop while she's gone on vacation. Mac gets snagged into helping and becomes a master hairstylist.; Tillie decides to take violin lessons from Bubbles' handsome cousin Straddy.; An artist asks Mac to pose for him. Mac goes to the art museum to get an idea for a pose. However, the artist just needs Mac to pose in a suit of armor for a medieval battle painting. Mac falls asleep in the armor and dreams he's a knight.; Tillie gets a phone call from Mac, but Mac's throat is so sore he can't talk loud enough for her to hear him.; Mac helps Tillie choose a hat.; Tillie tries to cook when her mother is sick, but Mac is the one who has to eat it.