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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.15 USD
Cover Date: May 1961
Country: United States
The Great Geezbo wants to be the star of the circus. He gives Dumbo sleeping salts so that Dumbo will miss rehearsals. Scamp uncovers the plot.; Scamp gets a powerful horseshoe magnet from a junkyard, but it causes all kinds of trouble.; Scamp accidentally gets caught in a mail carrier's bag and is taken to the post office.; Scamp chases some mice on and around a pool table in the basement of his master's house.; Scamp tries to get away from a girl dog and ends up trapped in quicksand.; Scamp uses croquet wickets to scratch his back.; Scamp's master moves Scamp's house near the road.; Scamp watches a boy play with a boomerang.; Scamp bets Bull he can toss a bone further.