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Publisher: DC
Title: Leading Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1945
Country: United States
Humpty Dumpty, the only character not to escape from the scientist's lab, tells the Kid and Stripesy that he has heard that Long John Silver and his men plan to steal a ship and look for treasure on an island. They find and capture him---or do they?; Following up on a tip from Humpty Dumpty, the Battling Bowmen head after Falstaff, who, along with his men, have hijacked a food warehouse. His palate savors the new found banana, but has the goal of stealing sausages, and that is his downfall...or is it?; After being warned by Humpty Dumpty about the two rogues they seek, those very two men try to use an innocent but generous man in an attempt to steal funds from Charity House. But failing in that, they try a different scheme, but are foiled by the Crimson and Wing---or are they?; The Knight is warned about the Giant (from Jack and the Beanstalk fame), but refuses to rat on his friends that accompany him, the very friends that allow the Giant to be hired as an act in a circus. Sir Justin captures the Giant, but is not allowed to take the unicorn and the lion, the cat having disappeared.; When a shotgun just up and shoots at its owner, Vig immediately investigates, and nearly becomes that gun's victim himself. He successfully rounds up the little men responsible...that is, except the King of Lilliput, who vows to make the world tremble.; After the mysterious appearance of some characters right out of the pages of fairy tale books, the Legionnaires visit a Dr. Wimsett, a scientist who has discovered how to intensify life to the point where a character can actually step right out of the pages of the story or poem in which they appeared and into real life. However, since some of the characters are scoundrels, the Legionnaires must track them down before any harm is done.; Returning most of the storybook villains to Dr. Wimsett, the Legionnaires implore the good doctor to find a way to return these characters back to the books and poems from whence they came.