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Publisher: DC
Title: Leading Comics
Page Count: 60
Genre: Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1943
Country: United States
The Kid and Stripesy head to the mountains to encounter the giants that the Wizard of Wisstark would like to have join him in the battle against the three wizards, but all they succeed in doing is getting moving pictures of them!; The Battling Bowmen arrive in Stanovia to seek out the 3 wizards and learn of their plans, which includes retrieving the strange aircraft in the possession of the Wizard of Wisstark.; The Crimson and Wing are on the alert for 5th Column activities within the walls of Wisstark, and very soon they are attacked by invisible opponents, who have succeeded in re-capturing the strange aircraft the three wizards seek.; Vigilante must unravel and stop an attempt by the three wizards to replace the real Wizard of Wisstark with a look-alike.; The Knight's assignment is to take on the three wizards on the field of battle, but he needs an army for that task...and he gets one: an army bedecked in wooden armor!; When the Seven Soldiers read and hear about themselves supposedly donating their services to charity, they smell a rat. They are taken by a strange aircraft to see the Wizard Of Wisstark, actually a stage magician, who wants them to travel to Stanovia to battle real wizards, who want to prevent its inhabitants from enjoying true democracy.; The Seven Soldiers and their forces engage the Wizards of Stanovia & their legions in a fight to the finish, and defeat them by using their own tricks against them.