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Publisher: Archie
Title: Pep Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Children, Fashion, Humor, Teen
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: May 1950
Country: United States
Archie and Jug try to help Sam stop stuttering.; Ferdy becomes a private eye and ends up in jail.; Mr. Wilkins can't get any respect until he takes Wilbur's advice on the stock market, not knowing it's based on a 20 year old newspaper. It ends up being good advice. Mr. Wilkins makes money and becomes a respected man whose opinion matters.; The devil tempts Sis into spending all her money on candy. She gets sick and Katy gives her Castor Oil.; It's springtime and nobody wants to be in school. Especially after Jug tosses a bag of garlic into the ventilation system.; Li'l Jinx makes a snowman around a fire hydrant for stability. Bill wants to teach her a lesson by sledding through the snowman to destroy it. He ends up in the hospital with a broken neck and in a body cast.