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Publisher: Harvey
Title: Richie Rich
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: June 1969
Country: United States
Richie sees Gloria pulled into a car by a man he doesn't recognize. He and Cadbury pursue in their limousine, but lose the other car in traffic, only to find it by chance later near an abandoned house. While investigating the house, he and Cadbury are captured by kidnappers.; Richie and Cadbury escape from the kidnappers and learn that Gloria was never kidnapped.; Cadbury performs several amazing magic tricks.; Uncle Branes gives Dot a disk that compels people to tell the truth when they look at it.; Richie misses a chance to try pitching hay, so Mr. Rich arranges a similar activity.; Seeing a homeless man begging on the street, Richie takes him to the barber and buys him a new suit, only to see the same man in his new clothes begging on a different corner a few hours later.; Reggie points out several posh buildings and businesses that he speculates he may buy some day, but Richie already owns them.