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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Strange Tales
Page Count: 36
Genre: Spy, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: May 1966
Country: United States
The Druid uses mystic rites to disguise modern, sinister science, sending a deadly flying egg to kill Nick Fury. Fury attempts to shut down a burning planes nuclear reactor and barely survives the ordeal. Later Fury & Dugan are attacked by the egg in SHIELD's flying car as they face a variety of deadly weapons. The pair finally use "Grenade Guns" to destroy the egg. Back at the SHIELD barber shop, clean-cut new recruit Jasper Sitwell has a hard time convincing the barber he's really a SHIELD agent. He tells Fury he's been assigned to help him against the flying eggs, which remain a mystery.; Dormammu uses Asti to lure Strange into an alien dimension where he will be under no vow to spare him. The Ancient One takes Strange to the ruler of a dimension who has senses one of Dormammu's spells in a far-off corner of infinity. There, Dormammu contacts Tazza, and claims that Strange is coming there to kill him. The two battle to a standstill, until Strange convinces Tazza he only seeks information-- and forces the release of Tazza's various prisoners, who are grateful for his help. Both Dormammu & Strange mentally prepare for a coming "final combat" between them.