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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman
Page Count: 68
Genre: Non-fiction, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: September 1940
Country: United States
A clever gangster kills the wife of the prosecuting attorney, leaving evidence behind that her husband actually did it, all so that the prosecutor wouldn't be in a position to prosecute the felon and his mobster friends.; The Planet editor sends Clark packing off for Gay City, where the people within the city fall victim to a strange malady that causes them, upon contact, to disintergrate!; Believing the public prosecutor to be in league with the underworld, Kent convinces Perry White that the Planet should oppose candidate Red Tyler and back an honest candidate like Bert Runyan.; Superman faces a ruthless gang of men known as the Black Band, who specialize in brutal robberies of night club patrons in Metropolis, including Clark kent and Lois Lane, who disguise themselves as wealthy patrons themselves to smoke out members of the gang.