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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman
Page Count: 60
Genre: Humor, Military, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1944
Country: United States
The son of a former carnival daredevil comes to town, not knowing his father had lost his nerve years before in a car stunt gone wrong. Superman agrees to help impersonate the man, so that the son will see "his dad" perform great stunts...that is, until a former carnival employee with a grudge again the daredevil decides to get even.; Clark and Lois decry the closing of a new movie company that has given work to former vaudeville comedians, but when Clark overhears the owner mentioning to his gang that he has doctored the books and stolen $20,000 outright from the company, it's time for Superman to intervene!; Superman has his hands full trying to battle a group of gangsters, who are disguising themselves as Policemen and commiting robberies, and the shenanigans of Mercury, the winged messenger of the pagan gods and mischievous patron of thieves, who has been awakened from a 1000 year sleep.; A young man accidentally overhears Superman talking with a wanted felon, who has now become an upright citizen of the community, and he blackmails the Man of Steel in order to keep that information secret...with fatal results.