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Publisher: Ace Magazines
Title: The Beyond
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy, Horror-suspense
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: May 1952
Country: United States
Searching for pearls, Cliff Banning is marooned on an uncharted island in the Indian ocean. He discovers a cruel moon-worshipping cult led by beautiful Luana. Once every month the moon turns blood red and a human has to be sacrificed. Banning learns that Luana is in reality a vampire using the moon-cult for her own bloodthirsty motives. Fighting her, she gets impaled upon the bones of her victims, and Banning can flee the island.; Medical student Kip Powell has to watch five corpses flee from the city morgue. In pursuit he encounters Doctor Lostarza, an undead scientist experimenting with voodoo and the victory over death. Powell can destroy the evil madman with his own death-ray-device. Lostarza is fed upon by a swarm of indoor vultures.; Actor Willis Kane collects mirrors. When he comes into possession of the "mirror of madness", he plans to murder his wife. A mysterious Baron, living in the mirrorworld, cheers him on. Kane commits murder and has to flee into the mirrorworld. There he is trapped and his to suffer his own evil deeds.; Swiss clock maker Rudi discovers a tribe of mountain trolls who build clocks out of human hearts. They want to kill the intruder, but Rudi escapes with some of their pieces. He poses as a clock making genius, but is hunted down by the trolls. The time-trolls clutch at him, in a sinister way.; "No tour of Rome would be complete without a visit to the Colosseum, scene of brutal slaughter..." On a full moon night, an American tourist encounters the ghosts of gladiators and spectators.; "In the spring of 1932, Rex Langdon, a photographer on the staff of a London magazine, was spending a few weeks in Scotland..." Wandering the moors and seeking refuge in a mansion, Langdon witnesses a scene of murder. He saw a ghostly apparition, the pictures he took are empty.