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Publisher: Ace Magazines
Title: The Beyond
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy, Horror-suspense, Jungle, Non-fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1952
Country: United States
Explorers in the Congo jungle encounter white jungle girl Felia. She commands a tribe of cat people and can change into a leopard herself. When explorer Lawton kills her idol chief, Felia loses her powers and is crushed to death by the falling idol.; American film set location scout Gil Jenkins visits an english castle. He discovers a "Book of Demons" and accidentally releases them. By conjuring the Black Duke, who wrote the book, the minions of Satan are again caught and confined in the book.; A violin, made out of the wood of a hanging tree, has strange powers. The owner can play like a maestro, but will transform into a werewolf-like beast as well. The violin is destroyed and all magic ends.; Two explorers discover the underground kingdom of Xandia, hidden in the Himalayas. They are imprisoned and have to fight wild beasts. Only one of them can escape back to western civilization.; "In the year 1623, a bold highwayman named Roger Pike was victimizing rich travelers..." Pike is caught and hanged, but his ghost still rides along King's Highway in London.; "Curses are strange things, and tales have been told of odd incidents [...] of curses coming true..." A princess envies her sister for her necklace. She kills her and wears it. The necklace (cursed by the dying woman) strangulates the murderess.