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Publisher: DC
Title: The Brave and the Bold
Page Count: 36
Genre: Adventure, Historical, Non-fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1958
Country: United States
Delving into fantasy, the Viking Prince crosses a lake and is sucked down a maelstrom. He's rescued by Merla, Princess of the Lake, who charms him to breathe underwater. Merla begs his help. The fish-man Trukka has seized her castle. Jon fights siren-sharks, a rain of giant pearls, a spiny sea dragon, and finally Trukka himself while riding a giant seahorse. Merla begs him to stay, but he must return to his people, and returns to his boat, the mute bard, and his quest for his identity.; Bursting into Camelot, the triplet brothers known as Black Thunderbolts challenge the Knights of the Round Table to jousts. Lady Celia draws the challenging knight's name from a bowl, but she substituted the Silent Knight! Messages posted in the Forest Perilous bring the SK to the fight. Guinevere gives him her scarf, and Lady Celia is heartbroken. The brothers cheat, subbing for one another, and the SK is thrashed and his weapons broken. Yet he perseveres and punches flat the last knight. Lady Celia doesn't need him to speak. "Your heart and mine beat as one!"; Odd facts about medieval laws and customs.