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Publisher: DC
Title: The Brave and the Bold
Page Count: 36
Genre: Adventure, Historical, Humor
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1955
Country: United States
The crafty Cinna sends Marcus on a suicide mission: to seize the sword of Attila the Hun who threatens Rome! Cinna's niece Lucia dresses as a soldier and joins him. Marcus dodges catapult fireballs but is captured. Vaulting atop Attila's giant victory drum, he fights with his iron armband to break and steal the Hun's sword - as Lucia arrives with getaway horses! Both are rewarded by the Emperor of Rome, but Cinna scowls.; Jon, the amnesiac Viking Prince, trains villagers how to fight as an abandoned ship drifts into the bay. Jon investigates and is attacked by a shark! That night flames light up the village as the phantom ship drifts back. Jon finds the hold is packed with sharks and trap doors. His arch-enemy Thorvald attacks, but Jon mounts the dragon figurehead and leaps into battle. He bests Thorvald - but it's an impostor in a mask! Why does Thorvald seek Jon's destruction?; Brian rescues a lady (seen in the previous story) as she falls in the moat of savage fish. Sir Bane departs, but sends a message that Brian must bring the Sun Ruby to a castle across the Forest Perilous. Brian is waylaid by brigands, but the hawk Slasher drives them off - and leads Brian to the secret grove where hangs the uniform of the Silent Knight. Dressed, Brian battles thugs across a bridge and even underwater, drops off the armor, and arrives at the castle, mission accomplished.; More Roman arena humor as a man battles a lion.