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Publisher: DC
Title: The Brave and the Bold
Page Count: 36
Genre: Adventure, Historical, Humor
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1956
Country: United States
Sir Edwin has made a prisoner of the Silent Knight - while Squire Brian (SK's secret identity) watches! No, it's just a dummy, but Edwin vows to make the SK talk. Brian dons the SK's garb to escort Lady Celia through the forest, but is ambushed. Slashing aside arrows with his sword, he routs the ambushers. Entering the castle, he sees a fake SK and defeats him, then dives into the moat! To his death? No, for that night at supper, the "fake" SK arrives - and is the real thing, so sends Sir Edwin running in terror!; Fishing, Jon and Gunnda are attacked by huge savage eagles! They're destroying nets and starving villages everywhere. And the eagles fly over and drop boulders! Gunnda climbs a mountain for a healing herb and is carried off. Jon goes to sea prepared. He wears water skis and loops a rope over the attacking eagles, and is ferried to their castle - Baron Thorvald's! Hiding in a net of salmon, Jon invades the castle, grabs Gunnda, and leaps - to snag the ropes dangled by the eagles and soar to safety.; Robin's men are shunned in formerly-friendly villages, accused of looting. Robin's Merrie Men track the imposters, but Robin is braced by a master swordsman he barely defeats. More imposters have a master quarter-staffer who fights Robin on a spinning log. Finally a master archer trades arrows with Robin until he pins the imposter's shield to a tree. Prince John's men rush in, but Robin's band topples a wagon atop them - and are greeted as heroes by villagers.

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