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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Where Monsters Dwell
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense, Science Fiction
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: March 1975
Country: United States
An eccentric beekeeper reveals to a thief that he is a mutant with special powers. He shrinks the thief and frightens him with the attacks of the bees that are now larger than he is, but leaves him wondering if any of it was real.; A man becomes free of his shrew wife when they travel to Greece and he drinks from a fountain that transforms him into a centaur so he can eat grass and no longer has to depend upon her favor to buy him meals.; In the 21st century mankind finds that there is a barrier out beyond Pluto that prevents any further space travel, keeping humanity confined to the solar system like goldfish in a bowl.; A motorist hits a pedestrian and keeps going. When he gets to a small town the people observe him strangely and he thinks they must not get many visitors. It turns out the body of the man he struck is still in the car's grill.