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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Where Monsters Dwell
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense, Science Fiction
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: May 1975
Country: United States
An explorer discovers Gorgolla in the Himalayan Mountains. Gorgolla awakes and captures him, then summons his Stonian brethren to begin their attack on Earth. The lesser gargoyles under his command however betray Gorgolla. He is seemingly killed by the Stonian army when they revive as they had learned the ways of peace by observing humanity for centuries and no longer wished to live as slave soldiers. After defeating Gorgolla, the Stonians pledge themselves towards protecting humanity.; An arrogant painter is given magic paints by a gypsy. These paints make anything painted with them real, and he uses them to get revenge on a lover who jilted him. In the end, his ambitions lead to his death.; A super intellect grows tired among life on Earth as mere humans are like children to him when he receives a telepathic message from what appears to be a beautiful woman on Saturn imploring him to build a rocket to journey to her. He does so, but when he arrives she removes her mask to kiss him, revealing herself to be a hideous hag.