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Publisher: Archie
Title: World of Archie Double Digest
Page Count: 164
Genre: Humor, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: December 2013
UPC: 76281646850303511
Country: United States
During a particularly cold winter, Alex whisks the whole gang off to the Cabot family's desert resort. Josie and Pepper like being away from the cold, but there's one disadvantage: in warm weather, Melody doesn't need to cover up, and with Melody in bathing suits, no one's paying any attention to them.; Alexandra helps Albert do his homework using the Cabots' new computer. Alex and Josie scramble the computer's wires so it'll give the wrong answers to the chemistry problems. But the formula the computer comes up with enables Albert to create real diamonds out of nothing.; Archie wants to go ice-skating, but everyone wonders if Veronica will let him, making him feel hen-pecked.; Svenson suggests a large snowball fight to relieve the winter doldrums at Riverdale High.; Mr. Lodge discovers that Veronica is not in her bed at midnight and calls Fred, convinced that it is Archie's fault.; Archie wins an energy conservation contest.; When Miss Grundy is sick, Svenson is forced to substitute in her English class, where he teaches the kids how to clean.; Veronica gets a lesson in humility after she tells Mr. Weatherbee that he'll have to get an appointment with the company secretary before he can talk to her father.; Mr. Weatherbee is evaluating a computer system to maintain discipline in the school but the computer can't deal with Archie.; Jughead imagines what life would be like if Archie and Veronica got married.; Mr. Lodge hires Miss Brissy to cure Veronica of her compulsive shopping.; When Mr. Didit can't perform for the PTA he sends one of his sons in his place.; Mr. Weatherbee asks Archie what he would like to be when he grows up.; After a snowstorm, Archie tries to ski to Veronica's house.; Hearing that a snowstorm is on the way, Archie and Fred get supplies ready for the snow, only to learn later that the forecast has been changed.; Mr. Weatherbee asks Svenson to fix his office chair.; Reggie is giving ski lessons.; The furnace is out at the high school but maybe Jughead can fix it.; Archie looks for his grandpa's baseball cards.; Mr. Weatherbee assigns Archie and Reggie to clear away the snow before the Superintendent arrives. Archie comes up with an idea to clear the snow by sponsoring a school-wide snowball fight.; Archie and Betty help clear a cop suspected of taking a bribe.; Mr. Weatherbee is exhausted and Archie volunteers to clean his office for him.; Dippy and Dan try to find a girl to fix their father up with.; Miss Grundy asks Jughead what the main use of cowhide is.; Archie can't decide which test answer is the better.; Fred is ready to go home from work.; Archie gets detention for some ill-chosen words.; Mr. Weatherbee is going to the bank.; Archie calls Mr. Lodge to ask if Veronica is home.; Reggie has built an iceboat in his basement.; Why do some martial artists wear black belts and others wear brown belts?; Jughead wants to know why his composition is due the next day.; Mr. Lodge gives Archie a going away present.; Mr. Weatherbee wishes he could leave his job.