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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Teen
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.30 USD
Cover Date: December 1976
UPC: 0271000696512
Country: United States
Fred insists that Archie stay home and do chores instead of going to the beach.; In a story where all the dialogue consists of characters' first names ("Archie!" "Betty!" "Veronica?"), Chuck and Jughead try to get Archie away from Veronica and back together with Betty.; Veronica unveils her new, hideous outfit: baggy pants, a rope belt, a loose-fitting blouse and a gigantic beret. All the boys are reduced to hysterics, except Archie, who has already seen it and claims to like it.; After Archie, Moose and Jughead stand one on top of another, Moose wants to do the stunt again with him as the man on the top.; Jogging is very tiring for Archie and Jughead.