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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie Comics Digest
Page Count: 100
Genre: Adventure, Humor, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.49 USD
Cover Date: December 2006
Country: United States
Archie, Betty and Veronica explore an old house recently bought by Mr. Lodge, only to find a squatter there.; Archie and Stuart Smart run against each other for a "Teen Mayor For A Day" election.; Mr. Weatherbee begins searching lockers when he smells a foul stench coming from a student's locker.; Archie has to rake leaves but asks Jughead to help him when he remembers an errand he needs to run. The chore then gets passed off to Ethel, then Betty as each volunteers to help for their own reasons.; Archie and Jughead work part time setting clocks backward and forward due to daylight savings time in a clock and watch shop.; Archie tries to make plans for the weekend, but everyone gives him the cold shoulder.; When the gang blows an amp while practicing for a gig, they all take on odd jobs to raise money for a new one.; Betty sings a song made up from the letters in Archie's name, and Reggie replaces the lyrics with ones less than complimentary to Archie.; Archie craves a pizza, but his criticisms get him nowhere.; A talking parrot with a gift for mimicry gets Archie into trouble.; A strong wind blows Archie's essay away, but in spite everyone's efforts to capture it, it still ends up on Miss Grundy's desk.; Betty begins talking in abbreviations in her normal conversation after spending too much time in internet chat rooms.; Archie and Dilton discuss football as practice ends for the day.