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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie Comics Digest
Page Count: 92
Genre: Humor, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.69 USD
Cover Date: November 2009
UPC: 76281646850325911
Country: United States
Archie, Reggie and Jughead eat at a pirate themed restaurant and think the employees look silly in their costumes.; Archie's attempts at doing good deeds backfires on him.; Archie's cousin Alistair visits from England and picks up all the gang's slang while in America.; Mr. Weatherbee has had his fill of teenagers when Archie marches into his office and demands that kids get their birthdays off from school.; The Mad Ad Monster destroys commercials.; Archie spends too much on a piece of jewelery for Veronica and confusion follows when she tells him he shouldn't have.; Archie can't sleep at night but Miss Grundy's class the next day puts him to sleep.; A chat about exercise leads the boys to Betty, who talks a lot with her hands.; Archie gets dirty trying to open the fireplace flue.; The gang makes a video of their time on the beach hoping to play it in the middle of winter to relieve their winter blues.; Archie's life gets easier while he is on crutches.; Coach warns the boys not to leave damp sweaty gym clothes in their lockers.; Coach gives the football team a pep talk and scares them all into leaving the stadium.; The Pink Martian develops a toothache.; Archie blames the ref for losing the basketball game.; Moose misunderstands his football assignment.