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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica
Page Count:
Genre: Humor, Teen
Era: Golden
Cover Price:
Cover Date: June 1950
Country: United States
Betty and Veronica compete for a spot in the school orchestra alongside Archie, while Pop has trouble with people leaving before paying.; Veronica convinces Archie to have Jughead take her and Betty to the Dartmouth-I.O.U. football game.; When Betty and Veronica overhear Archie and Jughead discussing how girls can't cook anymore, the girls invite them over for a dinner of chop suey to prove them wrong.; When Archie's refusal to take Betty to the prom depresses her, the doctor puts Archie on a guilt trip.; When newly-appointed editor Archie makes Betty the photographer of the school newspaper and assigns her with shooting a picture of Mr. Weatherbee, the principal overhears and thinks he is being shot, as in with a gun.; When Archie has Betty go out and buy a present for a girl, Betty picks out the ugliest-looking hat, thinking the present is for Veronica.