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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children, Humor, Teen
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1961
Country: United States
Betty becomes a beatnik, complete with bongo drums, progressive jazz music and an unkempt sweater. An appalled Veronica sends the boys in to talk some sense to her, but one boy after another becomes hooked on the beatnik lifestyle -- except Jughead, who thinks they're just imitating him.; Archie tries to make time with the sexy new man-eater in town, Viv Laverne. When Veronica is about to catch them together, Betty hides Viv and makes it look like she's the one who is secretly dating Archie.; When Betty has a date, Veronica spends the entire night stalking them to make sure that her date isn't actually with Archie.; At her Gay '90s party, Veronica is the only one who neglects to wear an 1890s-style bathing suit.; In a series of silent poses with her thoughts represented by captions, Veronica contemplates the tricky things she'd do if she were Betty.; Veronica wears a bathing suit and hat made for the desert.; The girls model summer fashions suggested by a reader in Dan DeCarlo's home town of New Rochelle.; Hoping to get a nice birthday present from Archie, Betty takes her mother's advice to become more interested in his favorite pastime.; Li'l Jinx spills chocolate syrup on the kitchen floor.; Midge wonders why Betty is suddenly so popular.; On a trip to the zoo, Veronica thinks she forgot something.; Archie tries to get Ronnie's attention away from the TV.; Veronica shows Betty her new hope chest.