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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Madhouse
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy, Humor, Satire-parody, Science Fiction, Teen
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: May 1962
Country: United States
The Genius Monster invents a time machine, but his assistant is more interested in eating chocolate cake.; Two space travelers arrive on an uncharted planet and are amazed that inanimate objects come to life there. Their spaceship refuses to leave because he likes it there.; Lester Cool tries to impress French exchange student Yvonne, but she can't understand his slang. She prefers Chester Square's "square" way of speaking.; A young boy and girl ask the Pink Martian Man to take them to 2062 because 1962 is too boring. The kids imagine the advantages of the future, but the Martian reminds them that school will be much harder. The kids decide to stay home.; Hilda complains of a new sorcerer defeating her when she flies over his domain. She looks up his address and finds it is Cape Canaveral.; A monster couple consults a child psychologist because their small son is too normal.; Hilda asks "How do you like being a monster in Hollywood?" and each monster replies.; Lester pulls a rabbit out of a hat, but when Chester tries the trick, the rabbit pulls him into the hat.; Lester Cool's television is specially made to show westerns. It runs on oats.; Lester and Chester explore a supposedly haunted house.; Teen girls complain about the things boys do.; Teen boys complain about the things girls do.; Teachers complain about both teen boys and girls.; A gardener is having trouble with her garden. Her neighbor advises her to ask his Cousin Northrup for advice.; Pink Martian Man is interrupted while introducing the Space Section, but takes care of the intruder with a water pistol filled with ink.; Hal has a blind date from Jupiter lined up for his pal. He promises that this one doesn't have four eyes like the girl from Mars or three eyes like the girl from Saturn. It turns out her two eyes are stacked, not side by side.; A "human fly" sees a psychiatrist to overcome his fear of flypaper.