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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: May 1953
Country: United States
Beetle gets his head caught in a bannister used as scenery for a USO show on base and has to stay onstage as the show is being performed.; Sarge has a crush on the girl who sells ice cream at the PX.; Tired of Beetle loafing on the job, Sarge ties his wrists to a wheelbarrow loaded with sand. The wheelbarrow goes out of control down a hill, taking Beetle with it on a slapstick rampage through the base and into town.; Beetle persists in sleeping in until he's told it's Saturday.; Beetle laboriously puts on heavy equipment for a hike, then falls through the wooden floor when he grabs his rifle.; Beetle brings along a bottle of soda on a hike on a hot day.