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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1952
Country: United States
The Leakin' Lena is blown hundreds of miles off course by a storm. They find a mysterious island inhabited by giant horse-flies (who look more like horses than flies, except for the wings and six legs). When a young horse-fly injures his leg, the crew takes him back to the United States. Dishonest John gains possession of the now healthy horse-fly and rides him to a win in a horse race.; The Leakin' Lena and her crew sail to the North Pole in search of an "elephant wearing a fur coat." They find a mammoth and a caveman frozen in the ice and thaw them out.; Cecil comes up with a solution when Beany can't handle a high pressure water hose.; Dishonest John uses a phony "No Fishing" sign to trick Beany out of the fish he has caught.; Beany gets some help from Cecil in the ringing the bell with a sledge hammer at a circus.