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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 52
Genre: Children, Humor, Sports
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: March 1946
Country: United States
Mr. Bailey puts in a Victory Garden on the roof of his office building. Later Herby tries to get up the nerve to buy a war stamp from a booth and get a kiss from a girl he likes.; Smitty and Mr. Bailey go to their usual North Woods fishing resort. There they bring Little Moose the Indian to live with them and try to teach him "civilized" manners.; Herby's parents take in his school teacher as a boarder.; A football coach wants Mr. Bailey to give him a never-fail football play from his playing days in 1906.; Mr. Bailey thinks a girl in the building across the street is flirting with him when she puts signs in the window.; Smitty tries to join the Army and the Navy but is turned down.; Someone is writing graffiti about Herby.; Herby's new teacher gets the wrong idea when she sees Herby walking to school with a policeman.; Herby starts to write a love note but his teacher looks over his shoulder.