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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: June 1957
Country: United States
A stubborn black ram causes problems when Smokey tries to direct the mountain sheep to new grazing grounds.; A herd of peccaries upsets litter baskets and scatters trash in the forest.; When a river's level drops by three feet, Smokey, Little Smokey and Specs go to its headwaters, where they find it originates in a cavern. They find a rockfall in the cavern has diverted the water for the river into a side channel.; A bee helps Specs win a jumping contest with a frog.; Smokey rescues a fledgling bird that keeps trying to fly before it is old enough.; Smokey and Little Smokey start painting on opposite sides of the ranger station and find they are using different colors.