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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Animal
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: March 1954
Country: United States
Looking for new acts, Claude puts a super-intelligent young boy, Cyril Scatterwit, on the bill. Cryil reads from a book on how to do the acts, then performs them to perfection.; The clowns try to do some repairs in Mary's new cottage, with disastrous results.; Leo the Lion's bad disposition is causing problems. A monkey takes him out of his cage and shows him how the other animals are working to make the circus better.; The circus performers join forces to capture four crooks who try to steal the circus payroll.; The clowns perform an acrobatic act to feed a giraffe.; Nicky does an act on a trick tightrope.; The clowns race to a fire in their fire engine to enjoy a wiener roast.