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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1952
Country: United States
The Wizard warns the other Brownies that they should stay inside the day after Halloween to avoid goblins and witches. The rest ignore his advice and go exploring. They find the Splooks, who live underground and only go out on Halloween to scare people. The Splooks are frustrated when the Brownies aren't scared of them and take them to see the Grand Splook. They inadvertently insult the Grand Splook and have to flee back to the surface.; The Brownies find an egg, just as a duckling hatches out of it. The Brownies glue the egg back together with the Wizard inside, but before they can release him, the mother duck returns and takes control of the egg. When the Wizard breaks out of the egg, the duck thinks he is her baby. The other Brownies have to go find the real duckling to return it to its mother.; The Brownies launch a tin can submarine, but it gets caught on the back of a turtle and is taken to Castaway Island. There they find Jettison, a long-bearded Brownie who supposedly has been on the island for 600 years.; The Badkins steal and eat all the Brownies' doughnuts. When they return for more baked goods, the pair is trapped in a glob of bread dough.; Two hobo Brownies meet on a road.; The Brownies' cart is pulled by three bugs, but they try to pull the cart down a hole when it's the bugs' lunchtime.; A trumpet player is off-key, so the leader of the band changes places with him.