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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1949
Country: United States
Tim befriends Paddy the Pigeon who helps him survive in the big city. The pair help an old violin player keep his job, then turn matchmaker to help a lonely young man and woman meet each other. Later they help a night watchman foil a robbery in a warehouse.; Four strips: 1) Nothing is Troublesome, 2) Make your mark, 3) No man is his craft's master the first day, and 4) Kindness is more binding than a loan.; Four strips: 1) Mirror shows everyone's best friend, 2) This person is exceedingly thankful for the many things he did not get, 3) Make excuses for another-never for yourself, and 4) Ill luck comes by pounds and goes away by ounces.; Four strips: 1) The waste of plenty is the resource of scarcity, 2) Caution is the parent of safety, 3) The fool's mistakes never teach him anything, and 4) That which is bitter to endure may be sweet to remember.