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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 52
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1944
Country: United States
The circus hires a snake-charmer, but his snake escapes and chases Jitters the monkey.; The circus is closing for the season and Tim, Dotty, and Jitters make the long trip back to their old home with Farmer Brown.; Tim blows soap bubbles; Tim tries a magic trick; Tim shoots a bow and arrow; Tim and Dotty move a large rock off the road; Tim has a toothache; Tim and Dotty play hide 'n seek; Tim decides to put on a circus.; Tim shows off his circus to Dotty. Tim helps a boy get gum from a machine. Tim hides under a hat and plays a practical joke. Tim tells the gang tall tales.; Prince cures Tim of telling tall tales. Tim plays with a camera. Tim plays a joke on two boys who are fishing.; Tim catches a fish or vice versa; Tim beats the neighborhood boys at marbles; The gang finds a big firecracker; The gang cleans a lady's yard and each gets a nickel.; Tim and Dotty's toy car breaks down in the snow; Tim plays Santa Claus; New Year's resolutions; Tim throws snowballs at Dotty; Tim is at the beach; The swimming hole is too shallow for the other boys, but just right for Tim; Dotty and Tim take a ride on the pendulum of a clock; Jitters tries to get out of taking a bath; Jitters dresses up in a baby's clothes; Jitters plays with a mirror; Jitters steals doughnuts; Jitters steals Mrs. Jones pie.; Tim embarrasses a bragger; Tim works out to get stronger; Tim dreams of being a giant; Tim eats too much cake.; Tim and Dotty are working in a circus. The owner gives them a toy wind-up auto that's just their size.; Tim foils a Halloween prank; Jitters gets his head stuck in a jar of jam; Jitters helps Tim get a football back from a bully.; Tim and Dotty expect to surprise the Browns when they arrive, but find they are waiting for them.