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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: May 1949
Country: United States
Yellow-Beak the parrot comes to the Dwarfs' house with a map of buried pirate treasure and convinces the Dwarfs to help him find it. The Dwarfs and Yellow-Beak set sail on a ship, but the Witch changes herself into a rat to hitch a ride to the isle where the treasure is buried.; Humpty Dumpty's brother Gumpty falls for a trick contest and is captured by the Giant, who wants him for an omelet. Doc and Dopey come up with a plan to rescue him.; Bashful decides he want to become an artist.; Sleepy can't sleep because the house is too quiet when the other dwarfs are away.; Dopey tries to get a hen to lay eggs by placing a doorknob in her nest.