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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 52
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Fantasy
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1946
Country: United States
The Blue Fairy brings Gepetto's wooden puppet Pinocchio to life. Jiminy Cricket is enlisted as his conscience. Pinocchio is first captured by the evil showman Stromboli, but is rescued by the Blue Fairy. Not learning a lesson, Pinocchio is then enticed to travel with a coach load of boys to Pleasure Island. There they indulge in bad behavior until the boys turn into donkeys. Pinocchio is saved by Jiminy part-way through the transformation. In the meantime, Gepetto was swallowed by the whale Monstro while on his way to Pleasure Island to find Pinocchio. Pinocchio and Jiminy search for Monstro and the pair are re-united with Gepetto in Monstro's belly.; After reading the story of Pinocchio, Donald wishes he was Pinocchio. The Blue Fairy grants his wish, and gives him two more wishes. As Pinocchio, Donald (with a head of black hair) gets involved with Gideon and Foulfellow and ends up sold to Stromboli. His lack of stage talent helps him escape when Stromboli flies into a rage. Donald tries to go to Pleasure Island, but the Coachman thinks he's a spy and chases him with guns. While he is escaping he wishes he was Jiminy's size and that Jiminy was his size. That's the second wish and after a short chase, Donald wishes he was a real boy again. He ends up back in his own bed, waking up from a dream. Or was it only a dream?