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Publisher: Archie
Title: Jughead with Archie Digest
Page Count: 132
Genre: Children, Drama, Humor, Non-fiction, Teen
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 1.00 USD
Cover Date: July 1983
UPC: 0271000699657
Country: United States
Mr. Weatherbee proves to a skeptical Miss Grundy that he has a preternatural ability to anticipate anything his students will do.; Archie wonders why he's bothering to learn Spanish but then he is the only one that can understand a small child who speaks only Spanish and helps save his life.; Reggie becomes convinced he's losing his hair, so he glues the hairs back on and wears a hat to school.; Chuck is sailing down a river in a canoe. But he has no way reliably steer his boat, and calls out to Archie and Jughead for help as the wind propels him helplessly towards a waterfall.; Archie has a class project on witch doctors so he gets Jughead to dress up like one for his presentation.; Jughead's extraordinary sense of smell helps solve the mystery of why the cafeteria food has tasted different lately.; The gang feels bad because they've all won medals, but Jughead hasn't. They find reasons to offer him their medals, but he refuses them all. He wins a trophy for having the most loyal friends.; Archie and the gang teach the reader about animal life.; Archie and Reggie are running for Teen Mayor of Riverdale, and Reggie is pulling every dirty campaign trick he can think of.; Mr. Weatherbee complains that Archie and Jughead are always late, so they arrive very early the next day. This confuses the other students, who think it's time for the second class already. Soon, everyone in the school is confused about the schedule. Mr. Weatherbee tells them not to arrive before ten a.m. from then on.; Mr. Lodge hires Reggie to keep Archie from the mansion.; After watching Hot Dog for a week, Archie starts talking to Betty and Veronica like he does to Hot Dog.; Archie cleans up litter around town, which ruins his date with Veronica but gets him on TV.; Betty asks Veronica to take a picture of her and Archie together, but Veronica keeps sabotaging the shot.; The girls corner Archie on the day he gets his allowance and try to convince him to use the money to buy them a Coke and pizza.; Jughead's banjo playing becomes so annoying that it leads to desperate measures.; Li'l Jinx isn't ready for the baseball game against the Eagles.; Li'l Jinx gives nicknames to the kids on the football team.; Charley has a funny thought.; A funny poem is in the school paper.; Jughead has fast reflexes playing ping pong.; Jughead can't decide what to do tonight.; Ethel applies some face cream.; After a day of jalopy repair, Jughead sleeps under his bed.; Archie and Dilton talk about jogging.; Hap breaks Jinx's bow and arrow.; Archie and Betty try to convince Jughead he should eat less and exercise more.; Jinx finds a fifty-cent piece on the sidewalk.; Professor Jughead shows how these electrical gadgets can be used to handle girls.; Fred has a book on inflation.; Jughead fails to yield.; Archie faints at the site of his repair bill.; Veronica feeds her dog top sirloin.; Jughead wishes he had two allowances.