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Publisher: Archie
Title: Laugh Comics Digest
Page Count: 132
Genre: Adventure, Children, Humor, Teen
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.00 USD
Cover Date: September 1984
UPC: 0271000699754
Country: United States
The gang visits an old rock-bound house the Cabots have purchased in Maine. They discover that an old chest leads to a secret cave beneath the house, which may contain old pirate treasure, but also contains many deadly booby traps.; The latest C.R.U.S.H. villain is The Whistler, a permanently puckered baddie whose whistles can control minds and shatter eardrums.; Mr. Lodge needs a third person to crew for the boat race.; After Mr. Smythe is heard yelling "Oh, dad blast the dad blasted dad blast," everyone yells at Uncle Herman for getting Mr. Smythe mad. Herman decides he's not wanted in the Wilkin home.; Little Archie saves the day when the bus to the away baseball game gets stuck in a puddle.; Mr. Weatherbee is doing horrible at a golf game, until Archie volunteers to caddy.; Hilda disapproves of Sabrina's bikini and uses her magic to keep the girl from wearing it. Then Hilda gets a dose of her own medicine.; Big Moose is trying to find someone to show his new calculator wrist watch.; Sabrina and Salem are bad luck to Reggie.; Little Sabrina casts a spell to make everybody changes personalities.; At the beach, Archie tries to get Mr. Weatherbee doing exercises to lose weight.; Li'l Jinx gets in trouble for not hanging up the phone when she is done.; Jinx is writing a letter.; Mr. Smythe complains that today's generation has no gumption or backbone, but then Bingo saves his life.; Betty and Veronica are upset by Archie and Reggie's violence in sports.; Mr. Smythe tells Bingo to set up a hammock.; Betty can't wait to pass on the gossip Ethel told her.; Moose and the junior campers he's in charge of get lost on a hike.; Bingo gets permission to wake up Samantha's father.; Alexandra hints that she'd like something for her birthday.; Mr. Smythe suspects that Buddy is the one who broke his window.; Jinx is selling Lemonade, and Greg tells her how she can sell more.; Archie likes the polka-dot swimsuit.