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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman
Page Count: 60
Genre: Advocacy, Non-fiction, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1943
Country: United States
Superman helps to clear a World War I veteran who is accused of being the secret head of a subversive Fifth Column organization.; In response to a rival newspaper article claiming that the Training Aviation Cadets program at Yale University, whose purpose is to train new officers, is much too soft and lenient, Clark offers to join as a Cadet and get first hand information for the Planet.; Superman takes on the persona of a fictional super hero in order to save the life of the character's creator from the Nazis, who are out to kill the man because he is making a laughing stock of the Führer!; Upset by the arrest of the Puzzler and the Prankster, a new criminal appears on the scene anxious to pay off his stock losses. How? By adopting the guise of "Hi-Jack", a criminal who will hi-jack money from people, all with the help of the Man of Tomorrow!