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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Tales to Astonish
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense, Science Fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1961
Country: United States
A dissolute human is targeted by an alien that can transport items through television sets, but he is saved by his failure to pay the electric bill.; A spy from Jupiter disguised as a human stows away on the first rocket from Earth to Mars. The pilot is a Martian spy disguised as Earthman Dan Blake whose mission is to radio back to Earth that a radiation belt with fatal effects makes attempting to reach Mars too dangerous so Earthmen will give up their attempts to reach Mars. The spy from Jupiter overcomes the Martian and radios Jupiter that travel to Mars is safe, and then radios the Martian's story back to Earth so as to discourage Earthlings from space flight.; An American criminal robs an old gypsy man, ignoring his pleas and curses. When he returns to the United States he sees a fortune teller at a circus, and finds the tent suspended in the void, with the fortune teller revealed as the old man.; A man spends the night in a haunted house with the house’s caretaker. He thinks that he didn’t see a ghost, but the caretaker was killed years ago.