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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie Giant Series Magazine
Page Count: 68
Genre: Humor, Teen
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: February 1969
Country: United States
When the Chamber of Commerce sponsors a boy-girl treasure hunt, Jughead teams up with the girl who's guaranteed to win the contest: Cricket O'Dell, the girl who can smell money. But when the head of the contest declares Cricket's powers "not legal," she and Jughead have to enter the contest with a ribbon tied around her nose.; Jughead is forced to sign up for art class, and tries to get out by painting the worst stuff imaginable.; Upon finding Jughead severely distraught because Pop's is closed due to Pop being sick, Archie and Reggie decide to do something about it. They visit Mr. Tate at his home and get the key to Pop's, then get to work making food, while Veronica, Betty and Moose handle the tasks of getting people to come (by any means necessary, which includes physically dragging them to the shop in Moose's case). Mr. Tate suddenly has visions of Jughead eating everything in the shop and rushes down there, only to find it full of happy customers.; A strange rock falls from space during a rainstorm. Jughead picks it up and suddenly has super strength, much to the delight of the female population, and much to his own displeasure.; Jughead runs off rather than lend Reggie money, but then secretly gives Archie some money to lend to Reggie.; Jughead believes the old saying "smile and the world smiles with you," but his grin is so hideous that it makes everyone angry at him.; Archie asks Jughead to lend him a dollar. Jughead responds by acting out an elaborate scenario to prove that lending Archie a dollar would lead to disaster.; Jughead has no money except "One Yugoslavian Pfennig," so he tries to get more money by painting a rainbow with a pot of gold at the end of it.; Jinx gets in trouble for slamming the door.; While visiting an art museum, Jughead finds the guards more interested in television.; A girl suspects Jughead is just dating her to get food.; Jughead looks in a pot to see what his mom is cooking.; Moose is asked if his parents will take a survey on chain smoking.